The Pledge
I pledge to be a catalyst for change in the realm of water conservation, committing to the following principles:
1. Provide Clean, Affordable Drinking Water:
I will advocate for and support initiatives that ensure the availability of clean and affordable drinking water for all.
2. Address Water Scarcity Issues:
I will actively engage in efforts to address and alleviate water scarcity issues in my community and beyond.
3. Challenge Unfair Taxes:
I will stand against unjust taxes on essential resources, including supporting the removal of GST on bottled water and water purifiers.
4. Expedite Vital Water Projects Like Mekedatu:
I will support and promote the expedited implementation of crucial water projects, such as Mekedatu, recognizing their significance in securing our water future.
5. Educate Against Single-Use Plastics:
I will raise awareness about the environmental impact of single-use plastic bottles for drinking water.
I commit to using and encouraging the use of reusable steel water bottles as an eco-friendly alternative.
By taking this pledge, I am committing to being an advocate for water justice, actively participating in initiatives that contribute to a sustainable and equitable water future. Together, let's challenge the status quo and create a world where every individual has access to clean, affordable water, and where our actions contribute to the preservation of this precious resource.